Minecraft Builds on Polymart (2024)

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Lobby - Oasis Island - 250x250

By BreadBuilds — Tropical village surrounded by water | Spawn, 4x Portal, 4x Place for Crates & NPC's



[Mini-Game] Roulette Arena

By AliensBuilds — Roulette Arena | AliensBuilds | Mini-Game Arena

Be the first!


🌊 Underwater Spawn | 300x300

By SnowLight — Ocean themed Minecraft lobby map.

about 5


Hub - Large Medieval Hub

By BreadBuilds — Amazing Medieval Lobby surrounded by water | SpawnPoint, Portal, 5x Place for NPC's + Winter Edition



Spawn - Cute Spawn

By BreadBuilds — Medieval HQ detailed circle Lobby | SpawnPoint, 4x Place for NPC's



Lobby - Pixelmon Spawn

By BreadBuilds — A place where pokemons come to reality

about 5


KOTH - Pirate Cave - 156x156

By BreadBuilds — Perfect Faction KOTH for you



Factions/Lobby - Red Medieval

By BreadBuilds — Beautiful medieval themed Factions Spawn | 5x Place for NPC's | 3x Crate Place | Portal | Enchant

(1) 9


[NEW] ⚡ Medieval Lobby ⚡

By L3nti_ — An very beautiful Medieval Spawn that will give an another face for your server!

about 5


[BedWars] Aqua Arena

By AliensBuilds — Aqua Arena | AliensBuilds | BedWars Arena

about 5


Mini 30x30 lobby

By AutomatingLTD — Small 30x30 Fantasy Lobby for your server!

about 5


[Pack] - 33x Texts

By BreadBuilds — 33x texts ready for your server, perfect for everyone!

about 5


Hub - Medieval Spawn

By BreadBuilds — Excellent Lobby | 2 Portals | 7x Place for NPC's | Crates Place



Lobby - Huge Modern City

By BreadBuilds — Welcome to huge modern city, surrounded by water where is electricity provided by wind turbines

about 5


Spawn - Red Island

By BreadBuilds — Prestige Kingdom Spawn | SpawnPoint

about 5


Fantasy HCF/Factions Spawn

By Jak3 — Cheap Quality Builds From Jak3

Be the first!


✨ [100x100] ✨ Jungle Hub

By Jak3 — Midsized jungle hub. Four places for NPCs or villagers!

about 5


✨ [115x115] ✨ Statue Lobby

By Jak3 — A Japanese lobby/hub/waiting area. Perfect for minigame servers!

about 5


Minecraft Builds on Polymart (2024)


What are some cool things to build in Minecraft? ›

Things to build in Minecraft
  • Volcano.
  • Castle.
  • Modern Skyscraper.
  • Floating Base.
  • Bridge.
  • Ship.
  • Lighthouse.
  • Cathedral.
Jan 16, 2024

What is Polymart? ›

Polymart is a completely custom website. And, with so many unique features like a developer API, Discord integration, Stripe support, amazing customization, revenue sharing, beta testing, teams, infinite scroll and more, it's no wonder why so many Minecraft players love Polymart.

What to do on a boring day? ›

50 things to do when you're bored
  • Play chess. ...
  • Clean out your closets. ...
  • Find your new favorite podcast. ...
  • Start “my list” on a streaming service. ...
  • Go for a walk. ...
  • Take a bath. ...
  • Phone a friend. ...
  • Do a yoga video.
Dec 22, 2023

How do I make my Minecraft world not boring? ›

Try to survive in superflat.
  1. Immediately run to the nearest village. Make sure generated structures is on.
  2. Chop some logs from the houses, and maybe some of the wheat. ...
  3. Make a wooden pickaxe, and get some cobblestone from the houses. ...
  4. Make some stone tools. ...
  5. Keep trying to survive.

What is the coolest secret in Minecraft? ›

Today is all about the best secrets in Minecraft!
  • Examine Igloo Basem*nt.
  • Avoid drowning with a simple torch.
  • An endless water source.
  • Put a pumpkin on your head.
  • Fishing in the rain.
  • Throw unwanted things at the cactus.
  • Grow yourself a giant jungle tree.
  • Setting mobs on fire makes sense.
Nov 22, 2023

How to build a volcano in Minecraft? ›

In your crater, place a layer of obsidian down for the platform, as it won't explode. Then place an ignition block (redstone switch) down in the corner and fill the platform with a layer of TNT. Top the rest off with 4-5 layers of gravel, then pour lava into the last 1-2 layers, right up to the rim of the volcano.

Is the nether infinite? ›

In the infinite worlds of the Java and Bedrock Editions, the Nether is also horizontally infinite. In Bedrock Edition, the build limit in the Nether is 128 blocks, despite it being 256 in the End, and 320 in the Overworld.

What every village needs in Minecraft? ›

A village needs at least one house and one villager to be considered a village. A house is defined as a bed. The game utilizes villager breeding to try to maintain a 100% population level, so long as there are at least two villagers occupying it.

What is a good simple house in Minecraft? ›

Survival Starter House

Zaypixel's lovely little starter house is made from nothing more complicated than spruce and oak wood, glass, and a little bit of deepslate (which you can easily substitute for cobblestone if you'd prefer).

What is the biggest Minecraft build? ›

The biggest Minecraft project is Build the Earth, an ambitious community-driven effort to recreate the entire planet in Minecraft (2011, Mojang).

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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Views: 5301

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (78 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.