Logan House Residential Rehabilitation: Live In and Recover (2024)

At Logan House, we aim to walk alongside, listening with respect, curiosity and acceptance.

Logan House Residential Rehabilitation: Live In and Recover (1)

In a peaceful, rural area south of Brisbane, Logan House offers a residential alcohol and drug treatment program, which is part of a continuous package of care. While staying with us in a safe and alcohol-free, drug-free and smoke-free environment, you will undertake an evidence-based, flexible program, which provides strategies to help you:

  • reduce substance use
  • manage life challenges
  • develop goals
  • learn parenting skills, if needed
  • and prevent relapse, towards supporting lives free from the harms of drugs or alcohol.

Our professional and qualified team is made up of psychologists, social workers, counsellors, and an on-site nurse, allowing us to offer a whole package of care.

Logan House is a place of tranquility. Here, we believe in giving people second, third and fourth chances…as you set out to rebuild your life.

Refer yourself to Logan House >

Admission and referrals

You don’t need a GP referral. You can self-refer through our website here. If you have limited access to the internet or would prefer to speak to us to request a referral, please phone the Contact Team on 1300 727 957.

We also accept online provider referrals from other health professionals, services and community and government organisations or they can fax referrals to 07 5546 8223.

Admission timeframes vary. Be assured, you will be supported by our Pre-Treatment Team until you can be admitted into our live-in service. Once your referral is received, your support begins.

How much does it cost?

We aim to provide accessible and affordable residential treatment. You are required to pay some money towards your stay, usually a portion of your Centrelink payment. The amount depends on the type of payment or benefit you receive.

There is also an upfront admission fee (which includes your first two weeks of treatment and a medication levy).

If self-funding (not receiving Centrelink benefits), you will be required to pay for your full six-week cycle treatment in advance.

How long is the program?

The program is delivered over six-week cycles, with the flexibility to be extended up to three months depending on your individual recovery.

You can receive support from the moment you contact us, until you are fully settled back into the community. That’s because you can access our services before, during and after your stay.

More FAQs about Logan House

The program supports people over 18 years.

Before you enter Logan House you can see a Lives Lived Well cousellor in the community and get immediate support. As Logan House is part of Lives Lived Well, you can access any of the Lives Lived Well services prior to coming to stay with us. We will also help you prepare to enter residential treatment.

We know entering residential treatment is a big step. From day one, we will aim to make you feel welcome and understood, as we get to know you and your needs. To begin with, you will be introduced to a treatment facilitator who will work with you to tailor a range of supports to match your needs.

Logan House has started accepting people who are engaged in stabilised Opioid Replacement Therapy. Contact our intake team at [emailprotected] for information about our ORT program.

We see it as our role to create a safe, supportive and structured environment that inspires genuine and lasting change. Our residential treatment program aims to capture best practice and deliver quality care with professional facilitators.

You will receive one-to-one counselling in which you can set goals, ask questions and guide your treatment. We bring empathy and collaboration to our approach, believing you are the ultimate decision-maker in your future. We also take a “community” approach to treatment, upholding the values of integrity, trust, leadership and accountability.

You will be encouraged to participate in community living and take on daily tasks and responsibilities. Here you can learn life skills, build confidence and gain insight into how you relate to others… always in a supportive environment. We work closely with other services in the areas of mental, oral, sexual and general health, Centrelink and legal support.

As you move through the program, you will meet regularly with your treatment facilitator to review and adapt your treatment over time.

Our care is holistic, tailored to individual needs and education-based. The program takes a harm-minimisation approach and applies a community environment of learning and support as well as individual counselling. Residents are required to remain drug-free throughout and will be provided with support to quit smoking. Research shows that people who give up smoking do better overall in their recovery.

Completing a drug and alcohol residential program is an achievement but only one step on a longer journey. Following that, we will work with you to support the steps needed to achieve independent living in the community. This may require a short stay in our transitional accommodation. You can also access free, ongoing counselling in the community. We can also help link you with other services that you may need, such as education, childcare and employment. Support doesn’t stop when you leave Logan House, with transitional and community teams in place to provide ongoing aftercare.

Logan House is located midway between Brisbane and the Gold Coast at 75 Kirk Road, Chambers Flat.

During your stay, you will have scheduled access to your mobile phone in a dedicated session, at which time you can call your family. You can also send and receive letters. Phone messages can be left at reception for you. Children (infants and children only) can arrange to visit parents staying at Logan House on weekdays between business hours. These visits need to be approved by the clinical team prior to the visit occurring and all children must be accompanied by an adult.

Please note, due to privacy requirements, we cannot provide any information to family members calling to inquire about your treatment. Clients need to provide consent if you wish us to provide family members with information.

For further questions about our programs, view our FAQs page here or you can contact us on 1300 727 957.

Logan House Residential Rehabilitation: Live In and Recover (2024)


What does living in recovery mean? ›

In most areas of life, "being in recovery" means a person is making progress even though s/he isn't "cured." Sometimes it is used as a synonym for "being in remission" — indicating relapse is a clear possibility (as with being in recovery from cancer), while other times it means "on the path to a definite cure" — as in ...

How many sober living homes are there in the United States? ›

Researchers say there are about 18,000 recovery homes within the United States. [2] Most are run by private companies that create individual rules and regulations. Making sweeping statements that apply to all sober living homes is difficult. Some allow things that others do not.

What are the four major dimensions that support life in recovery and they include health home purpose and treatment? ›

Health: Overcoming or managing disease and living in a physically and emotionally healthy way. Home: a stable and safe place to live. Purpose: meaningful daily activities, such as a job, school, volunteerism and family. Community: relationships and social networks that provide support, friendship, love and hope.

How do you live with someone in recovery? ›

Here's a few ways to help your loved one with stressful situations:
  1. Keep lines of communication open.
  2. Don't blame or demean.
  3. Encourage involvement in support groups.
  4. Be available and supportive, but don't dwell on the stressful situation and pester about how they are coping.
  5. Remember that laughter and humor relieves stress.
Jul 28, 2020

What are the five rules of recovery? ›

Teaching clients these simple rules helps them understand that recovery is not complicated or beyond their control. It is based on a few simple rules that are easy to remember: 1) change your life; 2) be completely honest; 3) ask for help; 4) practice self-care; and 5) don't bend the rules.

What does live and let live mean in recovery? ›

A form of the Golden Rule

When we live and let live, we don't need to criticize, judge, or condemn others. We have no need to control them or try and make them conform to our way of thinking. We let others live their own lives and we live ours.

How long do most people stay in sober living? ›

The Journal of Psychoactive Drugs reported on a few different types of sober living homes and found that the average stay was between 166 and 254 days.

What is the most sober city in the US? ›

(The statistics are adjusted for population, either as a percentage or a number per 100,000 people.) Madison, Wisconsin, took top honors as the best city for sober life, earning an 83.73 score out of 100 in the survey's methodology.

What is another name for sober living homes? ›

Sober Living: Alternative Names and Variations

Apart from being known as sober living or halfway houses, these supportive living environments may also be referred to by other names, such as: Recovery residences. Sober homes. Therapeutic communities.

What are the four areas of addiction? ›

It can be difficult to overcome addiction, but it is possible. There are four levels of addiction: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. We will discuss each level in-depth and provide tips for overcoming addiction.

What are the four steps in the recovery process? ›

The four stages of addiction treatment are:
  • Treatment initiation.
  • Early abstinence.
  • Maintaining abstinence.
  • Advanced recovery.

What are the 4 parts of recovery? ›

These include health, home, purpose, and community. An important foundation for all these dimensions is HOPE. Do you believe that recovery is possible? That you can move through challenges while taking steps to improve your health and wellness?

Do patients recover better at home? ›

Kamia Thakur, says studies show patients who convalesce at home often have better results than those who recover in hospitals. For example, a 2021 study by the National Institutes of Health found that at-home care patients had a 26% lower risk for readmission.

What is a reformed alcoholic? ›

The term ''reformed alcoholic'' implies that the alcoholic has been ''bad'' and is now being ''good'' – a reflection of the moralistic approach to alcoholism which has no basis in fact. The term ''ex-alcoholic'' should not e used either, for it implies a cure rather than recovery.

How do you become friends with someone in recovery? ›

This is how you can help:
  1. Don't use stigmatizing language. Words like addict and junkie can be hurtful to your friend. ...
  2. Let them know you care. Don't know what to say? ...
  3. Offer suggestions. ...
  4. Don't take it personally when they don't want to hang out. ...
  5. Ask questions. ...
  6. Be normal. ...
  7. Understand their feelings. ...
  8. Understand triggers.

What does it mean for someone to be in recovery? ›

Recovery is a process of change, in which people are improving their health and well-being. Those in recovery are in the process of overcoming an illness or disorder. For them, a state of recovery represents a state of good mental, emotional, and physical health.

What is life on life terms in recovery? ›

When you decide to live life on life's terms, you're rejecting the warped thinking that fuelled your addiction. Substance abusers often have difficulty accepting reality, and this persistent state of denial allows them to create an ultimate reality in which they live life on their own terms.

What are the basic living skills in recovery? ›

Skills include effective communication, active listening, following through on commitments, and expressing your emotions in a productive and healthy way. Keep Up With Chores. As mundane as it may seem, keeping a clean, tidy living space is important in recovery.

What does the term in recovery mean? ›

If someone is in recovery, they are being given a course of treatment to help them recover from something such as a drug habit or mental illness.

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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.